Montag, 29. September 2014

Coffeeshop and eyes


I´m really happy, that I finally draw almost every day. I finally have the time...or better, I finally TAKE the time to sit down or go out and draw.

And I love it.

I have serveral little drawing-projects running and maybe sometimes I am brave enough to share these projects with you too.

But for now it is enough for me to practice on that stuff on my own and to share with you my little drawings from the good old San Francisco Coffee Company and (a new place to draw for me) from the Café at the Hugendubel bookstore in munich, at the Marienplatz.

Oh! And I did some eyes too. Just for fun, you know

Drawn with pencil

Drawn with carcoal

Freitag, 12. September 2014

Autumn, I love you!

Well, hi there! I´m still alive, mhm!

Remember the project for university I´ve mentioned in June? (Gosh, that´s a whole while ago...anyway)
It´s done!!

Today was due day and I made it in time! Yay!

So, hopefully the grade I´ll get is okey. I will show you some of the things that I´ve done in the last few months, when I get the result. So you can see why it was so deadly silent on my blog.

Today I went to the coffeeshop, to draw people as may reward for the last weeks full of stress.
And man! It was crowded! SO. AWESOME.

Because of the rainy weather (thanks autumn!), the people literally attacked the San Francisco Coffee Company and it was such fun to watch all of them - trinking their coffee, waiting for friends, having dates....

To draw a few of them made me so happy, I can´t even tell. I´m so damn inspired, I want to draw a thounsand things!


Sorry for the feels guys, but life is just great right now.

BUT ENOUGH! The drawings now!!

Obviously I didn´t saw her at the coffeeshop.
That was just for me and it was fun :)
Expected more after that roman at the beginning?
Go easy on me, there will be more soon.

Montag, 2. Juni 2014

More textures!

Since my project from university progresses, I did some more handpainted textures for the assets.

Which I´d like to show you - enjoy!

A little metal detail 

Leaves to build bushes

Happy little flower

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

Something old and something new!

Hello everyone!

Yesterday I´ve finally made it to go sketching with our sketchgroup again. We went to the good old San Francisco Coffee Company and I had a really good time.

And I have to announce, that I did some tileable textures for the "game"project that I have to do for university.

So come and see, how it went for me :)

So much fun drawing this old lady.
Some random guy.
From all the drawings I did yesterday, I like her the most :)

And now the textures!

I´ve enjoyed it very much to create these two textures and I have to say, that I am satisfied with my work, which is not that common.

Maybe it´s that time, when you realize that you are getting better, but you can´t believe it yet, hehe.
I hope this status stays for a while...but I think I already know how I can keep this feeling:

Continue practice.

Montag, 7. April 2014

Monday morning update!

So, a lot of cool stuff happened to me in the last month. The biggest deal was the moving from my hometown to munich. So finally I live in the city where I am studying, which is great!
Of course, such a big event is really time-consuming AND head filling. So I neither had the time nor the spirit to draw anything.
But now I have finally time again (apart from the whole stuff I have to do for university...) and I did some drawings! Better said, I tried to did some copys and tutorials from photos and drawings, because I have to get better with such basics too.

I also have a new idea in my head for a new project (slowly they increase...) and I have to improve my drawing-skills rapidly for this.

But enough of the big talk!


This guy gave me a really fun time, but it was also hard to draw him properly.
Thanks man!

It´s possible to have fun with noses!

 The references for all these pictures, I took from this awesome page:

Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014

Aquarell for the first time!


Today I tried out my new aquarell colours.
So, out of my randomly setted blots, I tried to make some creatures.

As always, I had a lot of fun doing this. I have to paint more often with aquarell colours! I have the feeling, that there is much more I can learn from this way of making paintings.

Unfortunately, my scanner is way to old to get the right quality out of this nice colours. I know, it´s time for a new one, but for today, I had to handle this problem with photoshop.

I hope you had as much fun seeing this, like me painting it :)

Freitag, 31. Januar 2014

Photo painting

Hey guys!

On my way to the train, I´ve got the idea of this picture, while I had my fluffy hood on. So, at home I took a few pictures of me in that pose for references and started painting.

So could say, that´s me on the picture. Very stylized of course :)

But it made a lot of fun to draw it, and I have to say, it was a great practice.

I want to do more stuff like that...

Sonntag, 19. Januar 2014

Oh my!

Hey guys! Time flies huh? Last post in october? Shame on me!
It is SO time for an update! 100 days project seems like a lifetime project. I increase my time for that drawings for....a year? Haha. Sorry, I know I said I will draw 50 pictures in 100 days last year. But then I came up with so many ideas for other challenges, which seems to make even more fun, so I crashed myself into these other things.
Of course I speak from another drawing challenges. But one of them is realy, realy drawn-out and it takes a long time to see any progress for me. But (again) I promise to show you that piece, when I finished it. But no dates anymore...promised ;)

But now, please enjoy some doodles I did in the last few weeks.

Little boy  I´ll probably need for a university project

I tried to sketch an H&M Model with a fineliner (for a private project)

Some guys I saw at university and the coffeeshop

I sketched the girl above just for fun out of my head.
The other girl was sketched at the coffeeshop.
Yeah...and my sciccors.